Playlists in Popular Culture

2020 Presidential Candidate Playlists


Song playlists used for 2020 President campaign rallies by nine Democratic candidates and President Trump.


"Song playlists at campaign rallies tell you a lot about presidential candidates. The music is selected to reflect their values, their political messages, their “real” selves.

The music booms as people enter the rallies, and then candidates take the stage to a “walk-up” song that can become associated with their platforms. The New York Times analyzed playlists used by nine Democratic candidates and President Trump to see how they help set the tone for each campaign."

Text and images courtesy of The New York Times, Photos by Tony Cenicola and Todd Heisler. Additional photo production by Jessica White. Additional development by Alastair Coote. POLITICS REPORTER Astead Herndon GRAPHICS EDITORS Gabriel Gianordoli Umi Syam MUSIC CRITICS Jon Pareles Jon Caramanica

Visit the August 20, 2019 NYT article for analysis of playlist selections, what the 'critics' say, videos and music previews provided by Spotify.







































Campaign Songs 1840-1922


An Exhibition of Covers from Campaign Songs used by presidential candidates to communicate their message to voters. On Display in the Gallery at the Ford Center through November 9, 2016 - See Display HERE.


Sheet music, 1896 Presidential Campaign - William Jennings Bryan, Library of Congress


Harry Von Tilzer, music, and William Jerome, lyrics. “If I Meet The Guy Who Made This Country Dry.” New York: Harry Von Tilzer Music Publishing Co., 1920



Dan Long, Jr., music and lyrics. “Hooray for Bill McKinley and That Brave Rough Rider Ted.” Graham, NC: Dan Long, Jr., 1900







