The 1988 Phonograph Birthday

111th Birthday


1988 Friends of the Phonograph Birthday Party

The Phonograph's 111th Birthday was celebrated in our Oakland-Emeryville home on December 3, 1988.

The Friends of the Phonograph Annual Phonograph Art Exhibit, the birthday cake, potluck dinner and two films from the Edison Historic site were the highlights of the evening.





1988 Phonograph Nativity Scene


Friends of Phonography – This wooden sign, designed to hang like a tavern sign, was created by Deborah and Joellen for the 1988 Phonograph Birthday party. It was the first name given to those who attended these phonograph birthday parties. These phonographians are now known as Friends of the Phonograph.


DK with his Talking Edison sculpture.


TV Teddy and Edison Talking.






Friends of the Phonograph