- 1920

Phonograph Ads in the
Late Teens and World War I
This gallery features phonograph ads
from 1915 to 1920.

"Victor supremacy" and
the "Both Are" Victor ad
campaign, The Talking Machine World, August 15,1915

Talking Machine
World, 1915

"The Columbia Grafonola is
the one ideal musical instrument" for every musical
occasion, 1915
Edison Triumphant! The master inventor
triumphed "over a task as Herculean as ever was set for any
man before." 1915
"Tone - That's where the Victrola
is pre-eminent, Harper's Magazine, 1915

Columbia for your 1915 Christmas,
"It is reality,
nothing less; for "The Stage of the World" presents
the artists themselves to you..." Columbia Grafonola,
1916 (PM-0879)
"Victor Records
- The master interpretations of the world's greatest artists."
The Literary Digest for February 26, 1916

The Columbia Grafonola
- "Indispensable to make it a real vacation of fun." June,

"The Melodograph
has revolutionized the phonograph industry." Good Housekeeping,
November 1916
"The whole enchanted
realm of grand opera...comes to life through the magic portals of
the Columbia Grafonola," 1917 (PM-2101).

"The Record played on the Columbia
Grafonola is more than a record -- it is reality."

Intimately associated
with Melba, Farrar, Gluck and Sembrich - "Comin' Thro' the
Rye," Victrola, 1917

"Hearing the world's
greatest artists is an everday pleasure with a Victrola." Life,

"Masterpieces of
opera by the world's greatest artists" Victor Supremacy,
The Ladies' Home Journal for March, 1917.................

"Who knows more
about the music than the world's greatest artists!" The
National Geographic, 1918
"Your Problem is
Solved - Because Brunswick Plays ALL Records"" Photoplay
Magazine, January 1918.

The greatest artists
"have chosen Victrola Records exclusively to carry their art
to all the world and immortalize them for all time," 1918.

"Galli-Curci makes Victrola Records
exclusively - Victor Supremacy" Life, April 11, 1918

“Caruso is singing
in the trenches of France tonight…Thousands of miles from home
in a land torn by battle, our boys yet listen to the spiritual voice
of Art. Through the Victrola, the mightiest arts in all the world
sing to them the hymn of victory, cheer them with their wit and
laughter, comfort and inspire them.” Victrola ad, The Theatre
Magazine, November 1918 (PM-1944)

"You Forget You
are in a Store" Columbia ad, April 1918.

"Can you send
it home today?" - The Ladies' Home Journal, December

"Columbia Records
on the Columbia Grafonola bring the best music of all lands and
all ages...into your home." The Ladies' Home Journal,
November 1918
Will the "master-magicians
of music and entertainment", these "great artists sing
in your home on Christmas morning?" "The foremost artists
of the world make Victrola Records exclusively." Victrola,
Open your heart
to the world's great music! The Talking Machine World,
July 1919

"Take Music Wherever
You Go" The Ladies' Home Journal, 1919

"Miss Columbia Celebrates
the Fourth" - The Ladies' Home Journal, July, 1919 - artwork
by Rolf Armstrong (PM-0864)
"A Magical Voice
of Music," Columbia Grafonola, 1919

"Happy Music from
Footlight Land" - Columbia Grafonolam The Ladies' Home Journal,
October 1919
"Sweet Memories Awakened,"
Vitanola, The Literary Digest for November 8, 1919

"The pride of
possession - the supreme satisfaction of owning a VITANOLA, the
phonograph of marvelous tone." The Literary Digest for October
11, 1919
This Christmas Message
from the World's Greatest Artists pictures those artists inside
someone's elegant house. However, the ad doesn't use the words "reality"
of performers coming to your house (like many ads did); instead, this
ad says that "they cannot be with you on Christmas Day but
they can visit you through the Victrola -- their other self."
Victrola. 1919