1940 - 1945

Phonograph Ads in
the Early 1940's
This gallery features phonograph ads
from 1940 to 1945.

"Enjoy New Thrills of Radio and
Recorded Music, Philco plays any phonograph record on a Beam of
Light," 1940 (PM-1846)

"The Rainbow
of Sound - A Double Engineering Achievement", Crosley Glamor-Tone
Radio and Phonograph Combinations, 1941

Victor Red Seal Records,
"The World's Greatist Artists," 1941

RCA Victorola "Everybody's Happy
with the Gift that Keeps on Giving." 1941
RCA Victor Record Album M/DM 920, 1942 (5 record album 78 RPM)
RCA Victor Record 10-1152
"The exciting 1942 Magic Brain
RCA Victrola! "An amazing new way to play records."
The Magic Tone Cell recreates records with brilliant tone fidelity...and
the sensatonal Magic Tone Cell adds to record life..." Built
in "Magic Loop Antenna" in the RCA Victor Super-Six radio."
The Magic Brain does all the work -- you just sit back and listen!"

"For the Pleasures
of Home and Family", Philco Radio-Phonograph, 1942
Victor Smart Set Albums 1943

Victor Smart Set
Albums to make gala events of all your entertaining (1943)
1943 Recording Artists
on Victor and Bluebird Records
"Whenever you
want them They're yours on Victor Records," 1943

The enchanted land of
recorded music delivers to "your child new vistas of the imagination."
General Electric, 1943
Philco, Radios, Phonographs and "the
Age of Electronics is the promise for the future...waiting only
for Victory to convert" the achievements of Philco's scientists
and engineers into peacetime products. Philco magazine ad, 1943.

"RCA postwar instruments
will be even finer...", 1944
Victor Red Seal Record Ads 1944

Victor Red Seal Records,
Helen Traubel, The Saturday Evening Post, 1944
Magnavox the choice of great
artists and source for the Magnavox series of paintings "to
stimulate greater musical enjoyment throughout America."
"Close your eyes and enjoy
the illusion that singers and orchestra are in the very room with
you." Magnavox radio-phonographs are "an investment
in good living."
Arturo Toscanini - hear him on a "broadcast
or recording played by a Magnavox radio-phonograph."