Records" A poem by Howard T. Middleton

The Talking Machine
World, February 15, 1909
By Doug Boilesen, 2023
A future of visualized phonograph
songs is the subject of this poem by Howard Taylor Middleton.
Illustrated Songs were often part
of going to the early "silent" moving picture shows with
music for those songs provided by live performers or musicians,
pianos, organs and even phonographs.
Howard Middleton was a writer and
artist for one of the phonograph industry's trade magazines "The
Talking Machine World." In its February 1909 issue Middleton
wrote an article titled "Illustrated Records" in which
he promoted the idea that consumers would enjoy having their own
devices to project postcard illustrations so that they could see
and listen to thematically related records.
Middleton said this was a business
opportunity for phonograph dealers since they could sell devices
like a "Reflectograph" and sell phonograph records which
would accompany postcard images projected on a screen.
Think of the hit such an announcement
will make with your customers. Will they not be delighted, when
they call upon you to hear the new monthly supplements, to learn
that they can procure from you an outfit capable of producing
beautiful colored illustrations life-size on a screen, and when
they hear you name the price they will undoubtedly purchase it
on sight.
Middleton also suggested the dealer
"can make a bunch of money right now by having pictures similar
to the colored postal cards, now so popular, printed to illustrate
When you think,
Mr. Dealer, that artistic picture post cards can be bought at any
news stand, drug store, or from venders on the street for as low
a price as three for a nickel, you can easily imagine how cheap
you can afford to sell cards of a similar quality, made especially
to illustrate talking machine records. It looks good to you, doesn't
The following concluded Middleton's
"Big Idea for Mr. Dealer" article with his poem "Illustrated
Records' and the future of hearing and seeing phonograph
Listen to "When
Love is Young" by Frank C. Stanley with Orch., Edison Cylinder
Record No. 9355. Listed in July 1906 (Courtesy David Giovannoni
The machine capable of doing
the illustrating is already before the public and can be purchased
at retail as low as $4, so no time need be taken up with a description
of it. It is simply necessary to state that it will do the work,
and do it well.
Columbia Grafonola, The
Ladies' Home Journal, January 1919 - Visualizing with Songs Across
the Sea (PM-0845).
