Favorite Movie List by Rank – Friends of the Phonograph
Rank |
1 |
Dirty Dancing |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
1 |
Gone with the Wind |
Alana Fink |
1 |
Rainman |
Andy Orlando |
1 |
To Kill a Mockingbird |
Axel Boilesen |
1 |
Freaky Friday |
Bailey Nolder |
1 |
Gone with the Wind |
Betty Boilesen |
1 |
Gone with the Wind |
Bev Jester |
1 |
Godfather I |
Bill Fagler |
1 |
Rocky |
Bob Patton |
1 |
As Good as it Gets (Jack Nicholson) |
Bobbie Patton |
1 |
Thirteen Days |
Brian Orlando |
1 |
Bruce Orlando |
1 |
To Kill a Mockingbird |
Bruce Shackleford |
1 |
The Hobbit |
Cam Jester |
1 |
Tango and Cash |
Candace Orlando |
1 |
Interstellar |
Chaige Baker |
1 |
My Fair Lady |
Charissa Bondy |
1 |
Pulp Fiction |
Charlene Orlando |
1 |
Fried Green Tomatoes |
Claudia Orlando |
1 |
The Lion King (1994) |
Clint Baker |
1 |
Some Like it Hot |
Craig Tische |
1 |
The Longest Day |
Dave Keister |
1 |
Doug Boilesen |
1 |
Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship
of the Ring |
Doug Fink |
1 |
Lawrence of Arabia |
Doug Keister |
1 |
Top Gun |
Greg White |
1 |
Finding Nemo |
Gwen Duncan |
1 |
This is Spinal Tap |
James Boilesen |
1 |
The Princess Bride |
Jeff Price |
1 |
Pulp Fiction |
Jen Orlando Newton |
1 |
Judy Orlando |
1 |
Amadeus |
Karen Horning |
1 |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest |
Karl Grossner |
1 |
The Age of Innocence |
Kathy Orlando |
1 |
The Shawshank Redemption |
Kim Keister |
1 |
Top Gun |
Larry Wilcox |
1 |
Borat |
Laura Jester |
1 |
Coming to America |
Leigh Ann Viverette |
1 |
Braveheart |
Lisa Biggs |
1 |
The Triplets of Belleville |
Mark Davis |
1 |
To Kill a Mockingbird |
Martha Ray |
1 |
It’s a Wonderful Life |
Mary Fagler |
1 |
Batman’s Trilogy (Christopher Nolan) |
Matt Baker |
1 |
It’s a Beautiful Life |
Melissa Freda |
1 |
The Sound of Music (Julie Andrews) |
Nancy Henderson |
1 |
The Jerk |
Nick Jester |
1 |
Finding Nemo |
Nina Chase |
1 |
Howl’s Moving Castle |
Paul Davis |
1 |
The Way We Were |
Peggy Nolder |
1 |
Being There |
Robert Ray |
1 |
Forrest Gump |
Ron Jester |
1 |
The Shawshank Redemption |
Ryan Hoskins |
1 |
Mission Impossible (Series) |
Ryan Jester |
1 |
Cool Hand Luke |
Sean Gerdes |
1 |
The Wizard of Oz |
Sharon Boilesen |
1 |
Dodgeball |
Tara Jones |
1 |
Running Brave |
Tom Dingman |
1 |
The Great Escape |
Tom Riggs |
1 |
Shrek |
Trisha Jones Orlando |
2 |
The Mask |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
2 |
Ferris Bueller's Day Off |
Alana Fink |
2 |
Grumpy Old Men |
Andy Orlando |
2 |
Forrest Gump |
Axel Boilesen |
2 |
Bruce Almighty |
Bailey Nolder |
2 |
Chocolat |
Bev Jester |
2 |
Godfather II |
Bill Fagler |
2 |
The Shawshank Redemption |
Bob Patton |
2 |
Gravity |
Bobbie Patton |
2 |
Meet the Fockers |
Brian Orlando |
2 |
The Sting |
Bruce Orlando |
2 |
Blazing Saddles |
Bruce Shackleford |
2 |
Five People you meet in Heaven |
Cam Jester |
2 |
Bird on a Wire |
Candace Orlando |
2 |
Bad Boys 2 |
Chaige Baker |
2 |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom |
Charissa Bondy |
2 |
Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost
Ark |
Charlene Orlando |
2 |
The Shawshank Redemption |
Claudia Orlando |
2 |
Groundhog Day |
Clint Baker |
2 |
Cat Ballou |
Craig Tische |
2 |
The Sound of Music |
Dave Keister |
2 |
Doug Boilesen |
2 |
Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers |
Doug Fink |
2 |
It's a Mad Mad
Mad Mad World |
Doug Keister |
2 |
Dumb and Dumber |
Greg White |
2 |
Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of
the Ring |
Gwen Duncan |
2 |
Waiting for Guffman |
James Boilesen |
2 |
Jeff Price |
2 |
Dirty Dancing |
Jen Orlando Newton |
2 |
Doctor Zhivago |
Judy Orlando |
2 |
Wings of Desire |
Karl Grossner |
2 |
Yours Mine and Ours (1968) |
Kathy Orlando |
2 |
Godfather 1 |
Kim Keister |
2 |
Basic Instinct |
Larry Wilcox |
2 |
50 First Dates |
Laura Jester |
2 |
Pee Wee’s Big
Adventure |
Mark Davis |
2 |
Dead Poet’s Society |
Martha Ray |
2 |
Arsenic and Old Lace |
Mary Fagler |
2 |
Interstellar |
Matt Baker |
2 |
Raiders of the Lost Ark |
Melissa Freda |
2 |
A Christmas Vacation |
Nancy Henderson |
2 |
What Dreams May Come |
Nick Jester |
2 |
The Goonies |
Nina Chase |
2 |
Monty Python and the Holy Grail |
Paul Davis |
2 |
Saturday Night Fever |
Peggy Nolder |
2 |
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off |
Robert Ray |
2 |
Groundhog Day |
Ron Jester |
2 |
Hoosiers |
Ryan Hoskins |
2 |
Borat |
Ryan Jester |
2 |
Rooster Cogburn |
Sean Gerdes |
2 |
Babette’s Feast |
Sharon Boilesen |
2 |
Meet the Fockers |
Tara Jones |
2 |
Ghost Story |
Tom Dingman |
2 |
Raiders of the Lost Ark |
Tom Riggs |
2 |
Officer and a Gentleman |
Trisha Jones Orlando |
3 |
Annie |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
3 |
Blazing Saddles |
Axel Boilesen |
3 |
Alice in Wonderland |
Bailey Nolder |
3 |
Amadeus |
Bev Jester |
3 |
The Usual Suspects |
Bill Fagler |
3 |
The Bourne Identity |
Bob Patton |
3 |
Les Miserables |
Bobbie Patton |
3 |
Brian Orlando |
3 |
The Shawshank Redemption |
Bruce Orlando |
3 |
It’s a Wonderful Life |
Bruce Shackleford |
3 |
Stardust |
Cam Jester |
3 |
Backdraft |
Candace Orlando |
3 |
John Wick 2 |
Chaige Baker |
3 |
The Ten Commandments |
Charissa Bondy |
3 |
il Mostro |
Charlene Orlando |
3 |
Philadelphia Experiment |
Claudia Orlando |
3 |
Westside Story |
Clint Baker |
3 |
Forrest Gump |
Craig Tische |
3 |
The Searchers |
Dave Keister |
3 |
Doug Boilesen |
3 |
Lord of the Rings - Return of the
King |
Doug Fink |
3 |
Little Big Man |
Doug Keister |
3 |
Ghost and the Darkness |
Greg White |
3 |
Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers |
Gwen Duncan |
3 |
American Movie |
James Boilesen |
3 |
Jeff Price |
3 |
Crash |
Jen Orlando Newton |
3 |
As Good as it Gets |
Judy Orlando |
3 |
City of Lost Children |
Karl Grossner |
3 |
Sullivan’s Travels |
Kathy Orlando |
3 |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest |
Kim Keister |
3 |
Erin Brockovich |
Larry Wilcox |
3 |
Happy Gilmore |
Laura Jester |
3 |
City of Lost Children |
Mark Davis |
3 |
The Wizard of Oz |
Martha Ray |
3 |
Some Like it Hot |
Mary Fagler |
3 |
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back (not
Episodes 1, 2 and 3) |
Matt Baker |
3 |
The Blind Side |
Nancy Henderson |
3 |
Fantasia |
Nick Jester |
3 |
The Graduate |
Nina Chase |
3 |
Lord of the Rings - The Return of
the King |
Paul Davis |
3 |
Grease |
Peggy Nolder |
3 |
Big |
Ron Jester |
3 |
Into the Wild |
Ryan Jester |
3 |
Philadelphia |
Sean Gerdes |
3 |
Steel Magnolias |
Sharon Boilesen |
3 |
Bruce Almighty |
Tara Jones |
3 |
Prague |
Tom Dingman |
3 |
The Wizard of Oz |
Tom Riggs |
3 |
Message in a Bottle |
Trisha Jones Orlando |
4 |
Lorenzo’s Oil |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
4 |
About Schmidt |
Axel Boilesen |
4 |
Dancing with Wolves |
Bev Jester |
4 |
Field of Dreams |
Bill Fagler |
4 |
It’s a Wonderful Life |
Bob Patton |
4 |
My Fair Lady (Audrey Hepburn) |
Bobbie Patton |
4 |
Die Hard |
Brian Orlando |
4 |
Sneakers |
Bruce Orlando |
4 |
Raiders of the Lost Ark |
Bruce Shackleford |
4 |
Love Actually |
Cam Jester |
4 |
Pulp Fiction |
Candace Orlando |
4 |
Blue Streak |
Chaige Baker |
4 |
Gone with the Wind |
Charissa Bondy |
4 |
Moonstruck |
Charlene Orlando |
4 |
Hunt for Red October |
Claudia Orlando |
4 |
Donnie Brasco (1997) |
Clint Baker |
4 |
Little Big Man |
Craig Tische |
4 |
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence |
Dave Keister |
4 |
Doug Boilesen |
4 |
The Deer Hunter |
Doug Fink |
4 |
The Natural |
Doug Keister |
4 |
National Lampoon Christmas Vacation |
Greg White |
4 |
Lord of the Rings - Return of the
King |
Gwen Duncan |
4 |
Planet of the Apes (original) |
James Boilesen |
4 |
Jeff Price |
4 |
Willow |
Jen Orlando Newton |
4 |
Rear Window |
Judy Orlando |
4 |
The Year of Living Dangerously |
Karl Grossner |
4 |
Wayne’s World |
Kathy Orlando |
4 |
Big |
Kim Keister |
4 |
The Blind Side |
Larry Wilcox |
4 |
Super Troopers |
Laura Jester |
4 |
Wings of Desire |
Mark Davis |
4 |
The Christmas Story |
Martha Ray |
4 |
Stripes |
Mary Fagler |
4 |
Indiana Jones Trilogy |
Matt Baker |
4 |
The Proposal |
Nancy Henderson |
4 |
Romeo & Juliet (1996, Claire
Danes) |
Nina Chase |
4 |
Star Wars Episode III |
Paul Davis |
4 |
Dancing with Wolves |
Ron Jester |
4 |
Seabiscuit |
Ryan Jester |
4 |
Schindler’s List |
Sean Gerdes |
4 |
The English Patient |
Sharon Boilesen |
4 |
Star Wars Episode III |
Tara Jones |
4 |
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid |
Tom Dingman |
4 |
Sunrise |
Tom Riggs |
4 |
Footloose |
Trisha Jones Orlando |
5 |
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
5 |
The Graduate |
Bill Fagler |
5 |
The Magnificent Seven (original with
Yul Brenner) |
Bob Patton |
5 |
Sleepless in Seattle |
Bobbie Patton |
5 |
The Wall |
Brian Orlando |
5 |
Three Days of the Condor |
Bruce Orlando |
5 |
The Shawshank Redemption |
Bruce Shackleford |
5 |
The Notebook |
Candace Orlando |
5 |
Life |
Chaige Baker |
5 |
Slapshot |
Charissa Bondy |
5 |
Carlito’s Way |
Charlene Orlando |
5 |
Steel Magnolias |
Claudia Orlando |
5 |
Dirty Dancing |
Clint Baker |
5 |
Apollo 13 |
Craig Tische |
5 |
The Grapes of Wrath |
Dave Keister |
5 |
Doug Boilesen |
5 |
The Great Escape |
Doug Fink |
5 |
Cat Ballou |
Doug Keister |
5 |
Hunt for Red October |
Greg White |
5 |
Shrek |
Gwen Duncan |
5 |
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls |
James Boilesen |
5 |
Jeff Price |
5 |
The Princess Bride |
Jen Orlando Newton |
5 |
American Graffiti |
Judy Orlando |
5 |
Paris, Texas |
Karl Grossner |
5 |
Crash |
Kathy Orlando |
5 |
Fried Green Tomatoes |
Kim Keister |
5 |
Chinatown |
Larry Wilcox |
5 |
Godfather Trilogy |
Mark Davis |
5 |
Groundhog Day |
Mary Fagler |
5 |
Guardian of the Galaxy |
Matt Baker |
5 |
Pretty Woman |
Nancy Henderson |
5 |
The Thomas Crown Affair (Pierce Bronson
1999) |
Nina Chase |
5 |
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban |
Paul Davis |
5 |
Seabiscuit |
Ron Jester |
5 |
Sideways |
Ryan Jester |
5 |
Chocolat |
Sharon Boilesen |
5 |
Remember the Titans |
Tara Jones |
5 |
Beauty and the Beast (Jean Cocteau) |
Tom Dingman |
5 |
Men of Honor |
Trisha Jones Orlando |
6 |
The Notebook |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
6 |
Groundhog Day |
Bill Fagler |
6 |
High Noon |
Bob Patton |
6 |
Runaway Jury |
Brian Orlando |
6 |
The Princess Bride |
Brian Orlando |
6 |
Caddy Shack |
Bruce Orlando |
6 |
Finding Forester |
Bruce Shackleford |
6 |
Steel Magnolias |
Candace Orlando |
6 |
Goodfellas |
Charlene Orlando |
6 |
Forrest Gump |
Claudia Orlando |
6 |
Chasing Amy (1997) |
Clint Baker |
6 |
Bridge over the River Kwai |
Craig Tische |
6 |
Raiders of the Lost Ark |
Dave Keister |
6 |
Interstellar |
Doug Boilesen |
6 |
The Empire Strikes Back |
Doug Keister |
6 |
Six Days Seven Nights |
Greg White |
6 |
Chicken Run |
Gwen Duncan |
6 |
Caddy Shack |
Jen Orlando Newton |
6 |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest |
Judy Orlando |
6 |
Bagdad Café |
Karl Grossner |
6 |
Baby Doll |
Kathy Orlando |
6 |
Summer of ‘42 |
Kim Keister |
6 |
Father of the Bride (Spencer Tracey) |
Mary Fagler |
6 |
Captain America 2 and 3 |
Matt Baker |
6 |
Shopgirl |
Nina Chase |
6 |
Apollo 13 |
Ron Jester |
6 |
Team America World Police |
Ryan Jester |
6 |
Being John Malvovich |
Sharon Boilesen |
6 |
50 First Dates |
Tara Jones |
6 |
Hair Dresser’s Husband |
Tom Dingman |
6 |
Beaches |
Trisha Jones Orlando |
7 |
Watcher in the Woods |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
7 |
Saving Private Ryan |
Bill Fagler |
7 |
It’s a Wonderful Life |
Brian Orlando |
7 |
Papillon |
Bruce Orlando |
7 |
Star Wars |
Bruce Shackleford |
7 |
Gone in Sixty Seconds |
Candace Orlando |
7 |
The Wizard of Oz |
Charlene Orlando |
7 |
The Birds |
Claudia Orlando |
7 |
Napoleon Dynamite |
Clint Baker |
7 |
Paint Your Wagon |
Craig Tische |
7 |
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly |
Dave Keister |
7 |
Chocolat |
Doug Boilesen |
7 |
Bull Durham |
Doug Keister |
7 |
Aspen Extreme |
Greg White |
7 |
The Sound of Music |
Gwen Duncan |
7 |
Ghost |
Jen Orlando Newton |
7 |
Schindler’s List |
Judy Orlando |
7 |
Taxi Driver |
Karl Grossner |
7 |
Rocky |
Kim Keister |
7 |
Journey to the Center of the Earth
(Pat Boone) |
Mary Fagler |
7 |
Spiderman Trilogy – Tobey McGuire |
Matt Baker |
7 |
Studio 54 |
Nina Chase |
7 |
Titanic |
Ron Jester |
7 |
Interstellar |
Ryan Jester |
7 |
Radio Pirates |
Sharon Boilesen |
7 |
Generation War |
Tom Dingman |
7 |
Gladiator |
Trisha Jones Orlando |
8 |
Ghost |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
8 |
The Magnificent Seven |
Bill Fagler |
8 |
Ocean’s Eleven |
Bruce Shackleford |
8 |
Kill Bill |
Candace Orlando |
8 |
Phenomenon |
Charlene Orlando |
8 |
Thomas Crown Affair (Pierce Bronson
1999) |
Claudia Orlando |
8 |
10 Things I hate about you (1999) |
Clint Baker |
8 |
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid |
Craig Tische |
8 |
American Graffiti |
Dave Keister |
8 |
Doug Boilesen |
8 |
Forrest Gump |
Doug Keister |
8 |
The Wizard of Oz |
Gwen Duncan |
8 |
Amelie |
Jen Orlando Newton |
8 |
The Shining |
Judy Orlando |
8 |
Blade Runner |
Karl Grossner |
8 |
American Beauty |
Kim Keister |
8 |
The Usual Suspects |
Mary Fagler |
8 |
The Matrix (original) |
Matt Baker |
8 |
Like Water for Chocolate |
Nina Chase |
8 |
That Thing You Do |
Ron Jester |
8 |
Jurassic Park |
Ryan Jester |
8 |
Mortal Transfer |
Tom Dingman |
8 |
Frequency |
Trisha Jones Orlando |
9 |
Goodfellas |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
9 |
Unforgiven |
Bill Fagler |
9 |
Aladdin |
Bruce Shackleford |
9 |
Four Brothers |
Candace Orlando |
9 |
Ocean’s Eleven |
Claudia Orlando |
9 |
Gone in Sixty seconds |
Clint Baker |
9 |
Butterfield 8 |
Craig Tische |
9 |
The Quiet Man |
Dave Keister |
9 |
Babette’s Feast |
Doug Boilesen |
9 |
The Flight of the Phoenix (1965) |
Doug Keister |
9 |
Star Wars (1977) |
Gwen Duncan |
9 |
Romeo + Juliet (1996, DiCaprio and
Danes) |
Jen Orlando Newton |
9 |
Forrest Gump |
Judy Orlando |
9 |
Blue Velvet |
Karl Grossner |
9 |
Ordinary People |
Kim Keister |
9 |
The Sound of Music |
Mary Fagler |
9 |
Bourne Identity Series |
Matt Baker |
9 |
Sin City |
Nina Chase |
9 |
The Sixth Sense |
Ron Jester |
9 |
Catch Me if You Can |
Ryan Jester |
9 |
The Trouble with Harry |
Tom Dingman |
10 |
The Neverending Story |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
10 |
Stripes |
Bill Fagler |
10 Tie |
Animal House |
Bruce Shackleford |
10 Tie |
Pulp Fiction |
Bruce Shackleford |
10 |
Grease |
Candace Orlando |
10 |
Patch Adams |
Claudia Orlando |
10 |
Shane |
Clint Baker |
10 |
Dancing with Wolves |
Craig Tische |
10 |
A League of Their Own |
Dave Keister |
10 |
Amelie |
Doug Boilesen |
10 |
Young Frankenstein |
Doug Keister |
10 |
It’s a Wonderful Life |
Gwen Duncan |
10 |
Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory |
Jen Orlando Newton |
10 |
Under the Tuscan Sun |
Judy Orlando |
10 |
The Unbearable Lightness of Being |
Karl Grossner |
10 |
Sideways |
Kim Keister |
10 |
Spellbound |
Mary Fagler |
10 |
Terminator 2 |
Matt Baker |
10 |
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban |
Nina Chase |
10 |
Star Wars |
Ron Jester |
10 |
The Hangover |
Ryan Jester |
10 |
Polyester |
Tom Dingman |
11 |
Eddie and the Cruisers |
Alaina Orlando Girard |
11 |
Forrest Gump |
Bill Fagler |
11 |
Mrs. Doubtfire |
Claudia Orlando |
11 |
Doug Boilesen |
11 |
The Loved One |
Doug Keister |
11 |
Braveheart |
Matt Baker |
11 |
Garden State |
Nina Chase |
11 |
Air Force One |
Ron Jester |
11 |
Adam’s Apples |
Tom Dingman |
12 |
Blazing Saddles |
Bill Fagler |
12 |
Room with a View |
Doug Boilesen |
12 |
Apocalypto |
Matt Baker |
12 |
Gran Torino |
Ron Jester |
12 |
IP5 |
Tom Dingman |
13 |
Raiders of the Lost Ark |
Bill Fagler |
13 |
Romeo and Juliet 1968 |
Doug Boilesen |
13 |
Gladiator |
Matt Baker |
13 |
Manhattan |
Tom Dingman |
14 |
Doug Boilesen |
14 |
Aladdin |
Matt Baker |
14 |
Perfume of Yvonne |
Tom Dingman |
15 |
Big |
Doug Boilesen |
15 |
Carlito’s Way |
Tom Dingman |
16 |
A Very Long Engagement |
Doug Boilesen |
16 |
Shadows and Fog |
Tom Dingman |
17 |
Blade Runner |
Doug Boilesen |
17 |
Young Frankenstein |
Tom Dingman |
18 |
Doug Boilesen |
18 |
Angela |
Tom Dingman |
19 |
The Wizard of Oz |
Doug Boilesen |
19 |
Grizzly Man |
Tom Dingman |
20 |
Doug Boilesen |
UR |
A Bell for Adano |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Bladerunner |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Bringing Up Baby |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Das Boot |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Fahrenheit 451 |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Ghostbusters |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Grand Canyon |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Groundhog Day |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Harvey |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Inherit the Wind |
Greg Henry |
UR |
It's a Wonderful Life |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Mister Roberts |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Philadelphia Story |
Greg Henry |
UR |
President's Analyst |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Prince of the City |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Saturday Night Fever |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Schindler's List |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Shakespeare in Love |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Sophie's Choice |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Standing in the Shadows of Motown |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Star Wars/Empire Strikes Back |
Greg Henry |
UR |
The Graduate |
Greg Henry |
UR |
The Descendants |
Greg Henry |
UR |
Up in the Air |
Greg Henry |