On this Day Factola

December 26, 1863

Birthday of Charles Morand Pathé


Moving Picture World, June 21, 1919 (Courtesy of Internet Archive)


In Vincennes, in August 1894, Pathé saw the phonograph invented by Thomas Edison, demonstrated at the town fair. He immediately embraced the sound recording technology, purchasing examples of Edison machines to resell. In 1896, with his brothers Émile, Théophile and Jacques, Pathé founded Société Pathé Frères (Pathé Brothers) in Paris, a company that manufactured and sold phonographs and phonograph cylinders, with Émile at his head.

Pathé adopted the national emblem of France, the cockerel, as the trademark for his company. - Wikipedia





Pathe Record Label with Rooster (cockerel) trademark



A Pathé Frères cylinder phonograph, one of the earliest Pathé-manufactured models. The model design closely resembles the Columbia model B ("Eagle") phonograph, which it was based on. Taken from a facsimile reprint (1) August 1898 - Courtesy Wikimedia Commons

A nice collection of Pathe phonographs is on display at the Museum of Sound Discovery, Saint-Fargeau, France (see highlights of the museum on Phonographia's virtual museum page PhonoAvenue or visit the Museum of Sound Discovery's website for a virtual tour of the museum.






Pathè Le Gaulois was presented at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900 (Courtesy of phonorama.fr)







Pathè Model No. 1, 1905



Pathè Model 1 (second version) "Coq," 1905







December 26 - On this Day Factola
